Surgical Videos Tweet Surgical Videos for ENYGO membersESGO eAcademy, the official knowledge portal of ESGO, features a comprehensive collection of over 100 Surgical videos presented by world-renowned experts, offering first-rate educational content. Check out the selected videos below for ENYGO members or view the entire list of technical videos collection on eAcademy. Not yet a member? Join ENYGO to gain access to the entire collections or watch the selected videos with free access*. *Requires first time users to register for a free access account to view the surgical videos. Start the process and open your free account >> Debulking procedures - Liver mobilisation and diaphragm stripping Prof. David Cibula, Czech Republic Debulking procedure improves survival by complete resection of all tumor sites with no residual macroscobic tumor. For liver mobilisation, initially the peritoneal folds should be seperated; round ligament, falciforme ligament, superior and inferior parts of coronary ligament with triangular ligament should be dissected to make the liver fully mobilized. Care should be taken to not to injure vena cava inferior and hepatic vein. After mobilization, diaphragma peritoneum is stripped from the muscular layer by energy modilities with sharp and blunt dissection. Central tendinous part of diaphragma has a thin aponeurosis that can be easily perforated. Explore on eAcademy Message from the Editors of the ESGO eAcademy View the eAcademy key Achievements and welcome message from the new editor Mobile view On the Go? Webcast & ePoster apps eAcademy Topics Choose a topic below to view all educational resources in your field of interest! Pathology and Biopathology Imaging Cervical Cancer: prevension, preinvasive disease Invasive Cervical Cancer Endometrial Cancer Uterine Sarcoma Ovarian/fallopian Tube Cancer (high grade serous) Vulvar Cancer Vaginal Rare Tumors GDT Breast Tumors Oncogenetics Fertility Sparing Management Cancer and Pregnancy Medical Oncology Radiation Oncology General Care Statistics, Clinical trials, Medical writing Surgical Techniques Miscellaneous Bordeline Ovarian Tumors Metastatic Cancer to Gynaecological Organs Gynaecological Cancer Generalities Not yet an ENYGO member? Join or renew today to gain your premium access to the complete eAcademy collections. Special Editions 32 Educational Surgical Videos To Advance Your Skills Explore Now! Check out the selected surgical videos below from the Post Graduate Educational Surgery collection, featuring topics of interest for ENYGO members. Not yet a member? Join ENYGO and gain your free access to the eAcademy today! Easy Learning Hysterectomy - Abdominal radical hysterectomy – Type C Debulking procedures - Liver mobilisation and diaphragm stripping Robotic Surgery in Gynaecology - Therapeutic Lymphadenectomy of the Pelvic Nodes (TPL1) - Module I: Common Iliac, Subaortic and Presacral Nodes Laparoscopic Robotically Assisted Total Medometrial Resection and Therapeutic Lymphadenectomy (TMMR) according to Michal Hoeckel's Technique - Part Two Laparoscopic Robotically Assisted Total Medometrial Resection and Therapeutic Lymphadenectomy (TMMR) according to Michal Hoeckel's Technique - Part One Debulking procedures - Liver mobilisation and diaphragm stripping Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Nerve Sparing - Okabayashi's Radical Hysterectomy according to Shingo Fujii's Technique Abdominal procedures in gynaecological oncology - Extrafascial hysterectomy Easy Learning Hysterectomy - Vaginal hysterectomy Exclusive Surgical Videos Advance your knowledge and skills with a selected collection of surgical videos for ENYGO members. Don't miss out on the latest practice, join ENYGO and gain free access to exclusive first-rate educational content! DEBULKING PROCEDURES: LIVER MOBILISATION AND DIAPHRAGM STRIPPING ROBOTIC SURGERY IN GYNAECOLOGY: THERAPEUTIC PARAAORTIC LYMPADENECTOMY RADICAL RESECTION OF TRAVASCULAR AND INTRACARDIAC TUMOR MODIFIED GLUEAL FOLD ADVANCEMENT V-Y FLAP FOR VULVA RECONSTRUCTIONS SURGICAL VASCULAR ANATOMY OF THE UPPER ABDOMEN Some of the texts on this page were kindly prepared by ENYGO members, Dr. Ketan Gajjar, UK and Dr. Ilker Selcuk, Turkey. Upcoming events ESGO 2025 Congress 20.02.-23.02.2025 Rome, Italy Read More ENYGO Introduction to Robotic Surgery Course 30.06.2025 - 01.07.2025 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Level: Basic Learn More Here ESGO-ENYGO Masterclass 23.10.2025 - 25.10.2025 Tbilisi, Georgia Level: Basic Learn here