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Tumour Board Webinar

As part of the ESGO/ENYGO mission to provide relevant, quality education to oncologic gynaecologists, we are offering a live interactive webinar  series “ Tumour Board Webinars.

Three times a year, we offer tumour board webinars on key topics for physicians with a professional interest in gynaecological cancer. The expert guided webinars will help improve the quality of treatment of gynaecologic cancer in European countries.


  • This educational initiative will integrate a regular tumour board into existing online webinar platform.
  • An excellent multidisciplinary tumor board team of well recognized experts (including various specialists from the fields of medical oncology, radiotherapy, radiology, surgery, pathology, etc.) will discuss cases and treatment strategy scenarios with the results and follow-up strategy applied. Key opinion leaders will share up-to-date, standardised knowledge of the multidisciplinary management of gynaecological cancers.
  • The tumour board broadcast will help further harmonize gynaecological oncology training and education throughout Europe.


  • Share expertise stemming from clinical experience across European countries and promote gynaecological oncology best practices and guidelines.
  • Rotate presenters from diverse European centres. Each participating centre will provide 2 cases with diagnostic considerations that will be discussed during the online meeting.
  • Present various topics including vulvar, vaginal, cervical, uterine, ovarian and rare tumours, clinical management.
  • Each online session will finish with a 20 minute didactic lecture from experts or ENYGO LiFE authors.


Zoltan Novak
ESGO Moderator


Alexander Shushkevich 
ENYGO Moderator

Upcoming Tumour Board Webinar


  • Mansoor Raza Mirza (Denmark)
  • Damiano Arciuolo (Italy) - Pathologist 


  • Zoltan Novak (Hungary) - ESGO Moderator
  • Houssein El Hajj (France) - ENYGO Moderator
  • Ana Tatiana Palacios Torres (Colombia) - ENYGO Moderator


  • Diana Bello Roufai (France)- Case 1
  • TBA - Case 2
  • Richard Tóth(Hungary) - Didactic Lecture

Past Tumour Board Webinars

  • Silvia Cabrera - Expert
  • Zoltan Novak - ESGO Moderator
  • Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO Moderator + Case 1
  • Andrej Cokan - Case 2
  • Jakub Dobroch - Didactic lecture
  • Damiano Arciulo - pathologist
Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer


  • Bradley Monk - Expert
  • Damiano Arciuolo - Pathologist
  • Cyrus Chargari - Radiologist
  • Zoltan Novak - ESGO Moderator
  • Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO moderator
  • Houssein Ell Hajj - Didactic lecture
  • Majdi Imterat - Case 1
  • Joanna Kacperczyk-Bartnik - Case 2
Cervical Cancer in Pregnancy

Invited Speakers:

  • Lukas Rob - Expert
  • Frederic Amant - Expert
  • Damiano Arciuolo - Pathologist
  • Zoltan Novak - ESGO Moderator
  • Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO moderator
  • Ilker Kahramanoglu - Didactic lecture
  • Anna Babkova - Case 1
  • Martin Hruda - Case 2
Rare vulvar conditions: Paget's disease of the vulva
Invited Speakers
  • Denis Querleu - Expert
  • Mario Preti - Expert
  • Gian Franco Zannoni - Pathologist
  • Ignacio Zapardiel - ESGO Moderator
  • Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO moderator
  • Charalampos Theofanakis - Didactic lecture
  • Fulvio Borella - Case 1
  • Niccolò Gallio - Case 2
Role of para aortic lymphadectomy in LACC
Invited speakers
  • Alejandra Martinez - Expert
  • Gian Francesco Zannoni - pathologist
  • Ignacio Zapardiel - ESGO Moderator
  • Nicolo Bizzarri - ENYGO Moderator, Didactic lecture
  • Giulio Ricotta - Case 1
  • Mathilde Del - Case 2
Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
Invited speakers

Ignacio Zapardiel Gutiérrez - ESGO Moderator
Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO Moderator
Michael Seckl - Expert
Gian Franco Zannoni and Baljeet Kaur - Pathologists
Joanna Kacperczyk-Bartnik - Didactic Lecture
Lindsay Henna - Case 1
Thomas Talbot - Case 2

Management of patients with ovarian cancer
Invited speakers

Beyhan Ataseven: Expert
Timoleon Dagres: Cases
Ignacio Zapardiel: ESGO Moderator
Alexander Shushkevich: Didactic lecture/ ENYGO Moderator
Gian Franco Zannoni: Pathologist

Therapeutic options for the treatment of primary advanced and recurrent Endometrial Cancer

Invited Speakers:
Domenica Lorusso - Expert
Gian Franco Zannoni - Pathologist
Elena Guidice - Case 1
Andrea Rossati - Case 2
Stamatios Petousis - Didactic Lecture
Elzbieta Van Der Steen Banasik - ESGO Moderator
Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO Moderator

Uterine Saroma: Challenges and Solutions

Invited Speakers:
Jubilee Brown, David Lindquist - Experts
Gian Franco Zannoni - Pathologist
Khrystyna Levytska - Cases
Marcin Bobinski - Didactic Lecture
Ignacio Zapardiel - ESGO Moderator
Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO Moderator

Management of patients with "intermediate risk" cervical cancer

Invited Speakers:
David Cibula - Expert
Lukas Dostalek - Case
Stefan Lednicky - Case
Alexander Shushkevich - Didactic lecture
Denis Querleu - Senior moderator
Ignacio Zapardiel - ESGO moderator
Nicolo Bizzarri - ENYGO moderator

Management of Endometrial Cancer in Era of Molecular Diagnostic


Nicole Concin - Gynecological Oncologist
Mansoor Mirza - Medical Oncologist & Radiation oncologist 
Gian Franco Zannoni - Gynecologic Pathology and Breast Pathology
Malak Moubarak - Case
Richard Schwameis - Case
Zoia Razumova - Didactic Lecture
René Verheijen - Senior Moderator
Ignacio Zapardiel - ESGO Moderator
Alexander Shushkevich - ENYGO Moderator

Management of Ovarian Cancer Patients

Francesco Fanfani
Thomas Gaillard
Bojana Gutic
Fabrice Lecuru
Claudia Marchetti
Philippe Morice
Claire Sanson
Alexander Shushkevich
Elzbieta van der Steen Banasik

Management of Ovarian Cancer Patients

Lukas Chinczewski
Anna Fagotti
Christina Fotopoulou
Ilker Kahramanoglu
Klaus Pietzner
Jalid Sehouli
Alexander Shushkevich
Elzbieta van der Steen Banasik

Cancer in Pregnancy

Frederic Amant
Ingrid Boere
Vit Drochytek
Myriam Gracia Segovia
Michael Halaska
Alexander Shuskevich
René Verheijen
Ignacio Zapardiel

Management of Vulvar cancer patients

Harry Hollema
Maaike Oonk
Thijs Roelovsen
Alexander Shushkevich
Charalampos Theofanakis
Elzbieta van der Steen - Banasik
Ate van der Zee
René Verheijen
Kamil Zalewski

Management of Endometrial cancer patients

Debate on the management of endometrial cancer after surgery in the sentinel node era

Alessandro Buda
Nicoletta Colombo
Tommaso Grassi
Marta Jaconi
Piotr Lepka
Alexander Shushkevich
Elzbieta van der Steen - Banasik
René Verheijen
Benedetta Zambetti

The Challenges of a BRCA Mutated Ovarian Cancer Patient

Nicolo Bizzarri
Nicoletta Colombo
Anna Fagotti
Christina Fotopoulou
Denis Querleu
Natalia Rodriguez
Alexander Shushkevich
Gian Franco Zannoni

Management of Cervical Cancer Patients

Alexander Shushkevich
Andrei Pletnev
Elzbieta van der Steen Banasik
Zoia Razumova