Publications 2 Tweet LiFE Report - Literature for ENYGO Stay on top of what is happening in the Gynae-Oncology field LiFE is an initiative of ENYGO supported by ESGO. The LiFE project, Literature For ENYGO, is a review of all the relevant articles in the field of gynaecological cancers for young professionals that desire to be up to date with the most recent published literature. The recently published 3rd LiFE report edition, covers more topics than previous editions, thanks to the continuous work and efforts of: 40 authors from 25 countries, who agreed to cover additional topics and prepared 38 separate reports. 3 editors coordinating the project: Kristina Lindemann, Kamil Zalewski, Michael Halaska With the support of the reviewers: Prof. David Cibula and Prof. Gunnar Kristensen The LiFE Report is published as the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer (IJGC) Supplement, as of Volume 26, as well as indexed on PubMed from June 2016. From this issue forward, the LiFE report will be published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This does not change the fact that the LiFE reports are freely available to read, download and share from the time of publication. Not yet an ENYGO member? Join or renew today Directly to: Meeting Calendar ENYGO LiFE Report Masterclass myESGO ESGO Newsletter Get notified on all news and activities right in your mailbox. Sign-up Now! LiFE Reports Published Editions The next LiFE report updates will be provided every three to six months. Don't miss out on the new updates, join ENYGO newsletter to get notified on future issues as they are published. 2016 Issue No. 2 (3) of the LiFE Report, April 2016, reviews covering articles published from November 2015 to February 2016 Issue No. 1(2) of the LiFE Report, January 2016, reviews covering articles published from August to November 2015. 2015 Issue No. 1(1) of the LiFE Report, October 2015, reviews covering articles published from May to August 2015 Any comments or feedback?Interested in becoming an author for LiFE? Please get in touch and send us an email to Upcoming events ESGO 2025 Congress 20.02.-23.02.2025 Rome, Italy Read More ENYGO Introduction to Robotic Surgery Course 30.06.2025 - 01.07.2025 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Level: Basic Learn More Here ESGO-ENYGO Masterclass 23.10.2025 - 25.10.2025 Tbilisi, Georgia Level: Basic Learn here