ENYGO Tracks

Previous Young Gynae-Oncologists Sessions at ESGO Events

Educational Sessions designed by ENYGO

Young Gynae Oncologists Program at ESGO 2015 Congress in Nice

  • Young Investigators Session

A unique opportunity for young professionals with an exceptional research to submit their work for an oral presentation at the Young Investigators​ Session. Top young investigators are selected for presentations with the opportunity to be nominated for the Best Oral and Poster awards.

ESGO 2015: Young Researcher Award Winner

Iris Rutten​, The Netherlands

  •  Introduction of Immunohistochemistry in Gynecologic Pathology/Oncology session

Selected oncogynecological diagnosis case studies that presented the valuable use of immunohistochemsitry to reach better treatment decisions.


  • Fellows Workshop: Tips and tricks in pelvic laparoscopic surgery

12 laparoscopic schools demonstrated their surgical procedure approach, 6 schools on laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and 6 schools on laparoscopic radical hysterectomy, each using video presentations following the same format to emphasize the differences in approaches of every surgical teams. 


Watch the stimulating webcasts of the 12 laparoscopic schools and panel discussions on ESGO eAcademy!  members access 3

6 webcasts on Laparoscopic Pelvic Lymphadenectomy  

vs. 6 webcasts on Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy


  • ENYGO Quiz : A Challenge for Young Gynae Oncologists 

An award winning quiz challenging Young Gynae Oncologists to team up and compete on the quiz champion title.


ESGO 2015: ENYGO Quiz Winners 

Murat Oz, Turkey 

Nazli Ozkan, Turkey  

EsraIsci Bostanci, Turkey  

Sari Mustafa Erkan, Turkey 

Ilker​ Selcuk, Turkey  


  • ENYGO Networking Opportunities

For Young Gnae Oncologists, a variety of networking opportunities during the congress, especially the traditional ENYGO Networking Party.

Check out the ENYGO networking photo gallery.

ESGO State of the Art Conference 2016 in Antalya, Turkey special session for young professionals:

Role of minor surgeries and robotics in tertiary cancer prevention and future training policies 


A special workshop focusing on minor surgeries, such as conization and laser techniques, that are part of the secondary cancer prevention, as well as a comprehensive overview of different techniques, including video demonstrations of surgery procedures presented by international premier experts.